1.- Answer to the following questions about the develpment of trade and banking.
1.- Answer to the following questions about the develpment of trade and banking.
- From the 12th century.
- By land, river and sea.
- The Mediterranean route and the Atlantic and Baltic route.
- Spanish and Italian cities with Muslim ports and the Byzantine Empire.
- The Europeans imported luxury items (perfumes, silks, porcelain, spices) from the East.
- Europeans exported cloth and weapons.
- It was a merchants´ association in the Atlantic and Baltic route.
- The ports of Portugal and Cantabria with Flemish, German and Russian cities.
- They exchanged Spanish and English wool, French wines, English tin, and products form the Baltic such as amber, furs, wood and wheat.
- Merchants met at trade fairs.
- in the Champagne region of France.
- Payment by credit and bills of exchange.
2.- Complete the sentences.
a.- Mediterranean route
b.- Europeans.
c.- The Hanseatic league
d.- Fair trades
3.- Organise the information
b - c - a
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