Study the following aspects:
- Definition of "Economic activities" and the three phases of economic activity.
- Definition of each of the economic sectors. Interpretation of Doc.3 and Doc.4.
- Point 3. Who contributes to economic activity?
- Point 4. What makes production possible? Interpretation of Doc. 6, 7 and 8.
- Define:
- Economically active population.
- Employed people.
- Unemployed people.
- Economically inactive population.
- How is the labour market organised?
- Labour relations: employers and unions.
- Types of unemployemnt.
- Negative effects of job loss.
- Definition of "Economic System"
- Explain:
- Subsistence systems.
- Communist systems.
- Capitalist systems.
- The difference between a monopoly and an oligopoly.
- Doc. 12: How the law of supply and demand works?
- Vocabulary:
- Trueque
- Letras de cambio
- Tarjetas de crédito y de débito
- propiedad estatal
- propiedad privada
- recursos renovables
- recursos no renovables
- trabajadores cualificados
- trabajadores poco cualificados
- préstamos
- subsidios gubernamentales
- beneficio
- teletrabajo
- trabajadores autónomos
- negociaciones colectivas
- la patronal
- sindicatos
- economía sumergida
- la ley de la oferta y la demanda
- sistemas de planificación centralizada
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