Study the following aspects:
  1. Definition of "Economic activities" and the three phases of economic activity.
  2. Definition of each of the economic sectors. Interpretation of Doc.3 and Doc.4.
  3. Point 3. Who contributes to economic activity?
  4. Point 4. What makes production possible? Interpretation of Doc. 6, 7 and 8.
  5. Define:
    1. Economically active population.
    2. Employed people.
    3. Unemployed people.
    4. Economically inactive population.
  6. How is the labour market organised?
  7. Labour relations: employers and unions.
  8. Types of unemployemnt.
  9. Negative effects of job loss.
  10. Definition of "Economic System"
  11. Explain:
    1. Subsistence systems.
    2. Communist systems.
    3. Capitalist systems.
    4. The difference between a monopoly and an oligopoly.
    5. Doc. 12: How the law of supply and demand works? 
  12. Vocabulary:
    1. Trueque
    2. Letras de cambio
    3. Tarjetas de crédito y de débito
    4. propiedad estatal
    5. propiedad privada
    6. recursos renovables
    7. recursos no renovables
    8. trabajadores cualificados
    9. trabajadores poco cualificados
    10. préstamos
    11. subsidios gubernamentales
    12. beneficio
    13. teletrabajo
    14. trabajadores autónomos
    15. negociaciones colectivas
    16. la patronal
    17. sindicatos
    18. economía sumergida
    19. la ley de la oferta y la demanda
    20. sistemas de planificación centralizada
