Make the following activities on your Physical Map of Spain.

  • 1ESO BILINGUAL: You must hand in this activity next Tuesday 6th of October.
  • 1ESO BRITISH: You must hand in this activity next Wednesday 7th of October.
Remember that you must hand in your map ON time.

Follow the instructions.

Mountains (write the numbers in RED)

  1. Macizo Galaico
  2. Cordillera Cantábrica
  3. Montes de León
  4. Picos de Europa
  5. Montes Vascos
  6. Pirineos
  7. Cordilleras Costero-Catalanas
  8. Sistema Ibérico
  9. Sistema Central
  10. Montes de Toledo
  11. Sierra Morena
  12. Cordilleras Béticas
  13. Cordillera Subbética
  14. Cordillera Penibética
  15. Sierra de Tramuntana
  16. Sierras de Levante

Mountain Passes (write the numbers in BROWN)
  1. Puerto de Pajares
  2. Puerto del Escudo
  3. Puerto de Somport
  4. Puerto de Piqueras
  5. Puerto de Somosierra
  6. Desfiladero de Despeñaperros

Peaks (write the numbers in BLACK)

  1. Peña Trevinca
  2. Torre Cerredo
  3. Aitxurri
  4. Pico Aneto
  5. Turó de l´Home
  6. Cabeza de Manzaneda
  7. Teleno
  8. Moncayo
  9. Almanzor
  10. Peñalara
  11. Peñarroya
  12. Bañuela
  13. Sagra
  14. Veleta 
  15. Mulhacén
  16. Sagra
  17. Puig Mayor
  18. Roque de los Muchachos
  19. Teide
  20. Pico de las Nieves

Plateaus (write the number in Green)

  1. Submeseta Norte
  2. Submeseta Sur

Depressions (write the number in PURPLE)

  1. Depresión del Ebro
  2. Depresión del Guadalquivir

Capes and golfs (write the number in BLUE)
  1. Cabo Fisterra
  2. Punta de Estaca de Bares
  3. Golfo de Valencia
  4. Cabo de Nao
  5. Cabo de Palos
  6. Cabo de Gata
  7. Golfo de Cádiz
