Step 1: write an article or an interview. (Minimun - 10 lines; Maximum - one page)
Due date: 4th may
Articles to write:
Due date: 4th may
Articles to write:
- The Turks interrupt the trade routes between Europe and the Far East.
- Bartolomeu Dias´ expedition
- Vasco da Gama´s expedition
- Chirstopher Columbus´ first expedition
- Americo Vespucci´s discovery
- The first map on which America appears
- Magellan´s expedition until his death
- Juan Sebastian Elcano takes command.
- The Treaty of Tordesillas
- Indigenous population in America
Step 2: Make a radio program
Use the Internet tool SPREAKER
In pairs, make a radio program. Broadcast the news about the Age of Discoveries. Introduce music and effects. Create a podcast and send it to your teacher´s e-mail. We will post it on the blog of the British Project.
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